أعضاء وزوار منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية.
منتديات جوهرة تيسمسيلت.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
أسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير.
until (before)x....قبل حتى
She didn't arrive until the party was nearly over
تأخرت في الوصول حتى قتربت الحفلة من نهايتها.
until prep (onward to a time)x ....إلى وقت معين حتى
They read until bedtime
تابعو القراءة حتى موعد النوم.
until (up to the time)x.... حتى
Until he was eighteen, he never went to the beach
until (onward to an event)x.... لغاية
They waited until the next crew arrived
until (before)x.... إلى، حتى، ريثما
Until three o'clock, he stayed at his desk
until next time (goodbye)x.... وداعاً
until now (up to the present moment)x ...حتى الآن
I'd never considered that perspective until now
until recently (up to a short while ago)x... حتى عهد قريب
I worked as a teacher until recently, when I opened my ownbusiness
until then (up to that point in the past)x ...حتى ذلك الحين
He got married when he was 40. Until then he always lived alone
until then (before a specified point in the future)x ...حتى تلك اللحظة
He's going to start school in the fall. Until then he'll live at home
until we meet again
(goodbye for now)x... إلى اللقاء في المرة القادمة
until we meet again
(for now, until our next meeting)x...حتى نلتقي في المرة القادمة
up until prep (in the time before)x ...حتى، إلى
Up until today this has never been a problem
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest
افعل الصواب دائماً، فهذا سوف يسعد البعض ويدهش الآخرين.
نأمل من الله عز و جل أن نقدم الجديد النافع
تحياتي و تقديري
منتديات جوهرة تيسمسيلت.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
أسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير.
until (before)x....قبل حتى
She didn't arrive until the party was nearly over
تأخرت في الوصول حتى قتربت الحفلة من نهايتها.
until prep (onward to a time)x ....إلى وقت معين حتى
They read until bedtime
تابعو القراءة حتى موعد النوم.
until (up to the time)x.... حتى
Until he was eighteen, he never went to the beach
until (onward to an event)x.... لغاية
They waited until the next crew arrived
until (before)x.... إلى، حتى، ريثما
Until three o'clock, he stayed at his desk
until next time (goodbye)x.... وداعاً
until now (up to the present moment)x ...حتى الآن
I'd never considered that perspective until now
until recently (up to a short while ago)x... حتى عهد قريب
I worked as a teacher until recently, when I opened my ownbusiness
until then (up to that point in the past)x ...حتى ذلك الحين
He got married when he was 40. Until then he always lived alone
until then (before a specified point in the future)x ...حتى تلك اللحظة
He's going to start school in the fall. Until then he'll live at home
until we meet again
(goodbye for now)x... إلى اللقاء في المرة القادمة
until we meet again
(for now, until our next meeting)x...حتى نلتقي في المرة القادمة
up until prep (in the time before)x ...حتى، إلى
Up until today this has never been a problem
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest
افعل الصواب دائماً، فهذا سوف يسعد البعض ويدهش الآخرين.
نأمل من الله عز و جل أن نقدم الجديد النافع
تحياتي و تقديري