(اللهم افتح علينا حكمتك و انشر علينا رحمتك ياذا الجلال والاكرام) .
English Sayings :.....If you play with fire
Sayings and proverbs in English
A saying is a short, clever expression that usually contains advice or expresses some obvious truth..x
Today's English Sayings
If you play with fire you get burned
لا تلعب بالنار تحرق اصابيعك
Possible interpretation:x
If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to get harmed
Note: get burned (verb) = be injured or wounded by heat or flames from a fire (also "get burnt")x
hope you like it
English Sayings :.....If you play with fire
Sayings and proverbs in English
A saying is a short, clever expression that usually contains advice or expresses some obvious truth..x
Today's English Sayings
If you play with fire you get burned
لا تلعب بالنار تحرق اصابيعك
Possible interpretation:x
If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to get harmed
Note: get burned (verb) = be injured or wounded by heat or flames from a fire (also "get burnt")x
hope you like it