Today's word is
Blackout....what to do after the lights come back on
Word Tutor : Blackout
n. - Partial or total loss of memory or consciousness; The failure of electric power for a general region
Tutor's tip : Blackout
When the president had a "blackout" (loss of consciousness), the government wanted to "black out" (censor) the news on his medical condition
Dental Dictionary: Blackout
Brief impairment of short- and long-term memory occurring during episodes of excessive alcohol consumption or of other substance abuse; consciousness is retained
Blackout....what to do after the lights come back on
Word Tutor : Blackout
n. - Partial or total loss of memory or consciousness; The failure of electric power for a general region
Tutor's tip : Blackout
When the president had a "blackout" (loss of consciousness), the government wanted to "black out" (censor) the news on his medical condition
Dental Dictionary: Blackout
Brief impairment of short- and long-term memory occurring during episodes of excessive alcohol consumption or of other substance abuse; consciousness is retained
Français (French)
n. - trou de mémoire, étourdissement, évanouissement, panne d'électricité, black-out, (Théât) obscurcissement de la scène
العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) اغماء, فقدان الذاكرة, مظلم
You never achieve success unless
you like what you are doing
n. - trou de mémoire, étourdissement, évanouissement, panne d'électricité, black-out, (Théât) obscurcissement de la scène
العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) اغماء, فقدان الذاكرة, مظلم
You never achieve success unless
you like what you are doing