( اللهم افتح علينا حكمتك وانشر علينا رحمتك ياذا الجلال
والإكرام) .
لك أن تضيء شمعة من أن تلعن الظلام.
Today's expression is والإكرام) .
لك أن تضيء شمعة من أن تلعن الظلام.
[center]Blood, sweat and tears
A project or action which involves
blood, sweat and tears
requires a lot of effort and hard work.l
blood, sweat and tears
requires a lot of effort and hard work.l
l "His success wasn't due to luck; it
was blood sweat and
tears all the way."l
l "His success wasn't due to luck; it
was blood sweat and
tears all the way."l
I hope you like it