(اللهم افتح علينا حكمتك وانشر علينا رحمتك ياذا الجلال والاكرام) .
Hi all
Yes we need to smile and be happy in our life nothing in the world worth sadness.i However, there are some moments in our life we have to be sad and no more than that,i but that should not stay for ever.x
A teacher was trying to make use of her self-esteem courses. She started her class by saying,"Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!"x
After a few seconds, a child stood up.x
The teacher said, "Why do you think you're stupid, young man?x"
i"Oh I don't think I'm stupid.I just hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"x
All of you just smile and enjoy life
Hi all
Yes we need to smile and be happy in our life nothing in the world worth sadness.i However, there are some moments in our life we have to be sad and no more than that,i but that should not stay for ever.x
A teacher was trying to make use of her self-esteem courses. She started her class by saying,"Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!"x
After a few seconds, a child stood up.x
The teacher said, "Why do you think you're stupid, young man?x"
i"Oh I don't think I'm stupid.I just hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"x
All of you just smile and enjoy life