الحمد لله رب العالمين، والعاقبة للمتقين، ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، إله الأولين والآخرين، وقيوم السماوات والأرضين، وأشهد أن محمدًا عبده ورسوله وخليله وأمينه على وحيه، أرسله إلى الناس كافة بشيرًا ونذيرًا، وداعيًا إلى الله بإذنه وسراجًا منيرًا، صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه الذين ساروا على طريقته في الدعوة إلى سبيله، وصبروا على ذلك وجاهدوا فيه حتى أظهر الله بهم دينه، وأعلى كلمته ولو كره المشركون، وسلم تسليماً كثيرًا .
Idiomatic French expressions
Idiomatic expressions are key to french learning.x
When you learn French, it can seem like there is always more grammar to learn, but in fact grammar lessons are finite.x
Expressions, on other hand, are virtually endless.x
No matter how much you study, it sometimes feels like there are always a couple of new expressions in whatever you read.x
Faire - French Expressions with Faire
The French verb faire literally means "to do" or "to make" and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to build castles in the air, turn a deaf ear, act like a child, and more with this list of expressions with faire.x
faire le tour de
to go / walk around
faire l'Europe
to travel to / visit Europe
faire l'idiot
to act the fool
faire le singe
to act the fool
faire mal à quelqu'un
to hurt someone
faire part de quelque chose à quelqu'un
to inform someone about
faire partie de
to be a part of
faire peau neuve
to turn over a new leaf
faire peur à quelqu'un
to frighten someone
faire plaisir à quelqu'un
to please someone
faire preuve de
to display a quality / virtue
faire sa toilette
to get up and get dressed, to wash up
faire savoir quelque chose à quelqu'un
to inform someone of something
faire semblant de faire quelque chose
to pretend to do something
faire ses adieux
to say good-bye
faire ses amitiés à quelqu'un
to give one's regards to someone
faire ses devoirs
to do homework
faire ses études à
to study at
faire ses quatre cents coups
to sow one's wild oats, get in trouble, lead a wild life
faire son bac
to study for the baccalaureate
faire son droit
to study for a law degree
faire son lit
to make one's bed
faire son possible
to do one's best
faire suivre (ses lettres)x
to forward (one's mail)x
Idiomatic French expressions
Idiomatic expressions are key to french learning.x
When you learn French, it can seem like there is always more grammar to learn, but in fact grammar lessons are finite.x
Expressions, on other hand, are virtually endless.x
No matter how much you study, it sometimes feels like there are always a couple of new expressions in whatever you read.x
Faire - French Expressions with Faire
The French verb faire literally means "to do" or "to make" and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to build castles in the air, turn a deaf ear, act like a child, and more with this list of expressions with faire.x
faire le tour de
to go / walk around
faire l'Europe
to travel to / visit Europe
faire l'idiot
to act the fool
faire le singe
to act the fool
faire mal à quelqu'un
to hurt someone
faire part de quelque chose à quelqu'un
to inform someone about
faire partie de
to be a part of
faire peau neuve
to turn over a new leaf
faire peur à quelqu'un
to frighten someone
faire plaisir à quelqu'un
to please someone
faire preuve de
to display a quality / virtue
faire sa toilette
to get up and get dressed, to wash up
faire savoir quelque chose à quelqu'un
to inform someone of something
faire semblant de faire quelque chose
to pretend to do something
faire ses adieux
to say good-bye
faire ses amitiés à quelqu'un
to give one's regards to someone
faire ses devoirs
to do homework
faire ses études à
to study at
faire ses quatre cents coups
to sow one's wild oats, get in trouble, lead a wild life
faire son bac
to study for the baccalaureate
faire son droit
to study for a law degree
faire son lit
to make one's bed
faire son possible
to do one's best
faire suivre (ses lettres)x
to forward (one's mail)x