جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
جـوهـرة الـونشريس

حـيث يلتـقي الـحلم بالـواقع

    Chatham House,home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs

    In The Zone
    In The Zone

    Chatham House,home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs 7e99cbc882b2aa88afb53997d7f58ce04g
    عدد المساهمات : 4732
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2010
    الموقع : الأردن

    جديد Chatham House,home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs

    مُساهمة من طرف In The Zone الخميس نوفمبر 15, 2012 1:11 pm

    Chatham House

    Chatham House,home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs,is a world-leading source of independent analysis,informed debate and influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and secure world for all.i

    Chatham House was founded in 1920 and is based in St James's Square,London.The Chatham House Rule,famous throughout the world for facilitating free speech and confidentiality at meetings,originated here.i
    Research,Publications and Events

    Research is core to all Chatham House activities. We undertake independent and rigorous analysis with the aim of setting the agenda and shaping policy by encouraging new ideas and forward thinking in international affairs.i

    Research is structured around four areas:i

    Energy,Environment and Resource Governance
    International Economics
    International Security
    Regional Studies and International Law

    Various reports,briefing papers and books are published each year on these wide-ranging areas.Chatham House is also home to the internationally renowned journal International Affairs and the magazine The World Today,each published six times a year.i
    Chatham House regularly hosts high-profile speakers from around the world in a packed programme of events and conferences as well as organizing and participating in a number of events and conferences elsewhere in the UK and overseas.i
    The institute:i

    Engages governments,the private sector,civil society and its members in open debates and confidential discussions about significant developments in international affairs.i

    Produces independent and rigorous analysis of critical global,regional and country-specific challenges and opportunities.i

    Offers new ideas to decision-makers and -shapers on how these could best be tackled from the near- to the long-term.i

    Chatham House

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 12:52 pm