جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
جـوهـرة الـونشريس

حـيث يلتـقي الـحلم بالـواقع

    Freedom House is a U.S. based non-governmental organization

    In The Zone
    In The Zone

    Freedom House is a U.S. based non-governmental organization 7e99cbc882b2aa88afb53997d7f58ce04g
    عدد المساهمات : 4732
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2010
    الموقع : الأردن

    مميز Freedom House is a U.S. based non-governmental organization

    مُساهمة من طرف In The Zone السبت فبراير 09, 2013 2:40 pm

    بيت الحرية.
    من ويكيبيديا،الموسوعة الحرة

    بيت الحرية أو "فريدم هاوس" (بالإنجليزية: Freedom House) هي مؤسسة دولية غير حكومية مقرها واشنطن دي سي،تأسست العام 1941،تقوم باجراء بحوث و دعوات حول الديمقراطية،الحرية السياسية و حقوق الإنسان.
    تحصل بيت الحرية على التمويل من خلال الأفراد،و أيضا من قبل حكومة الولايات المتحدة.
    و تصدر المؤسسة تقريرا سنويا تقيم فيه درجة الحريات الديمقراطية من حقوق مدنية و حرية الصحافة و غيرها في كل بلد حول العالم.
    و تستخدم منشورات و أبحاث المؤسسة في مجال دراسات العلوم السياسية.
    و يعمل في المؤسسة نحو 120 شخصا.
    حسب فاينانشال تايمز،بيت الحرية هي واحدة من المنظمات المختارة من طرف وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية لتلقي التمويل من أجل القيام بأنشطة سرية داخل إيران.
    كما اتهمت روسيا بيت الحرية بالعمل لصالح الولايات المتحدة.


    From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia

    Freedom House is a U.S.-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and advocacy on democracy,political freedom and human rights.i
    Freedom House was founded in October 1941,and Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt served as its first honorary chairpersons.It describes itself as a "clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world".i

    The organization's annual Freedom in the World report,which assesses each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties,is frequently cited by political scientists,journalists,and policy-makers.i
    Freedom of the Press and Freedom of the Net,which monitor censorship,intimidation and violence against journalists,and public access to information,are among its other signature reports.i

    As of 2010,grants awarded from the US government accounted for most of Freedom House's funding;the grants were not earmarked by the government but allocated through a competitive process.i
    Freedom House is widely regarded as a reliable source.Nonetheless,some critics have accused Freedom House’s reports of bias or of promoting U.S.government interests abroad.i
    Freedom House was founded in October 1941.Among its founding members were George Field,Dorothy Thompson,Wendell Willkie,Herbert Agar,Herbert Bayard Swope,Ralph Bunche,Father George B.Ford,Roscoe Drummond and Rex Stout.George Field (1904–2006) was executive director of the organization until his retirement in 1967.i

    According to its website,Freedom House "emerged from an amalgamation of two groups that had been formed,with the quiet encouragement of President Franklin D. Roosevelt,to encourage popular support for American involvement in World War II at a time when isolationist sentiments were running high in the United States."i
    During World War II Freedom House sponsored the weekly radio program,Our Secret Weapon (1942–1943),a CBS radio series created to counter Axis shortwave radio propaganda broadcasts.Writer Rex Stout,chairman of the Writers' War Board and representative of Freedom House,would rebut the most entertaining lies of the week.i
    The idea for the counterpropaganda series was that of Sue Taylor White of Freedom House;her husband,Paul White,the first director of CBS News,produced and directed the program.i

    After the war,as its website states,"Freedom House took up the struggle against the other twentieth century totalitarian threat,Communism....The organization's leadership was convinced that the spread of democracy would be the best weapon against totalitarian ideologies." Freedom House supported the Marshall Plan and the establishment of NATO.i

    Freedom House also states that it was highly critical of McCarthyism.During the 1950s and 1960s,it supported the U.S.civil rights movement and its leadership included several prominent civil rights activists.i
    It supported Andrei Sakharov,other Soviet dissidents,and the Solidarity movement in Poland.Freedom House assisted the post-Communist societies in the establishment of independent media,non-governmental think tanks,and the core institutions of electoral politics.i

    The organization describes itself currently as a clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world. Freedom House states that it:i

    has vigorously opposed dictatorships in Central America and Chile,apartheid in South Africa,the suppression of the Prague Spring,the Soviet war in Afghanistan, genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda,and the brutal violation of human rights in Cuba, Burma,the People's Republic of China,and Iraq.i
    It has championed the rights of democratic activists,religious believers,trade unionists,journalists,and proponents of free markets.i

    In 1967,Freedom House absorbed Books USA,which had been created several years earlier by Edward R.Murrow,as a joint venture between the Peace Corps and the United States Information Service.i

    More recently,Freedom House has supported citizens involved in challenges to the existing regimes in Serbia,Ukraine,Kyrgyzstan,Egypt,Tunisia and elsewhere.i
    The organization states,"From South Africa to Jordan,Kyrgyzstan to Indonesia, Freedom House has partnered with regional activists in bolstering civil society; worked to support women’s rights;sought justice for victims of torture;defended journalists and free expression advocates;and assisted those struggling to promote human rights in challenging political environments."i
    Freedom House was critical of Saudi Arabia and Chile under Augusto Pinochet, classifying them as "Not Free".It was also strongly critical of the apartheid in South Africa and military dictatorships in Latin America.i

    In 2001 Freedom House had income of around $11m,increasing to over $26m in 2006.i
    Much of the increase was due to an increase between 2004 and 2005 in US government federal funding,from $12m to $20m.i
    Federal funding fell to around $10m in 2007,but still represented around 80% of Freedom House's budget.i
    Freedom House is a nonprofit organization.Headquartered in Washington,D.C.,it has field offices in about a dozen countries,including Ukraine,Hungary,Serbia,Jordan, Mexico,and also countries in Central Asia.i

    Freedom House states that its Board of Trustees is composed of "business and labor leaders,former senior government officials,scholars,writers,and journalists".i
    All board members are current residents of the United States.It does not identify itself with either of the American Republican or the Democratic parties.The board is currently chaired by William H. Taft IV.Taft assumed chairmanship of the board in January 2009,succeeding Peter Ackerman.i
    Other current board members include Kenneth Adelman,Farooq Kathwari,Azar Nafisi, Mark Palmer,P.J.O'Rourke,and Lawrence Lessig,while past board-members have included Zbigniew Brzezinski,Jeane Kirkpatrick,Samuel Huntington,Mara Liasson,Otto Reich, Donald Rumsfeld,Whitney North Seymour,Paul Wolfowitz,Steve Forbes,and Bayard Rustin.i

    Freedom House
    In The Zone
    In The Zone

    Freedom House is a U.S. based non-governmental organization 7e99cbc882b2aa88afb53997d7f58ce04g
    عدد المساهمات : 4732
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2010
    الموقع : الأردن

    مميز رد: Freedom House is a U.S. based non-governmental organization

    مُساهمة من طرف In The Zone الثلاثاء أكتوبر 08, 2013 7:19 pm

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