جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

جوهرة الونشريس،،حيث يلتقي الحلم بالواقع،،
هنـا ستكـون سمـائي..سأتوسد الغيم..و أتلذذ بارتعاشاتي تحت المطــر..و أراقب العـالم بصخبه و سكونه و حزنه و سعـادته..
هنـا سأسكب مشاعري بجنون..هذيانا..و صورا..و حتى نغمــات..

جـوهـرة الـونشريس

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
جـوهـرة الـونشريس

حـيث يلتـقي الـحلم بالـواقع

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations

    In The Zone
    In The Zone

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 7e99cbc882b2aa88afb53997d7f58ce04g
    عدد المساهمات : 4732
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2010
    الموقع : الأردن

    مميز ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations

    مُساهمة من طرف In The Zone السبت ديسمبر 25, 2010 12:28 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن
    و زوار منتدى اللغات..
    أسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير..

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    Love Quotes That Make You Cry..!!

    makes you laugh, love makes you cry.
    A heart, when broken, gives us the most traumatic moments in life.
    When love leaves you, your little world seems to be shattered and
    abandoned and you are crashed by feelings of despair.
    The only option left with you is to accept your heartbreak and try
    moving ahead.
    Although no one can avoid the pain of a broken heart, you have to give
    space to let your feelings pour out.
    Tears initiate the process of healing and with time, you fall in love
    with life once again.
    So, read the following heart rending, sad love quotes
    that are bound to make your eyes swell with tears and make you cry.
    Let your feelings of rejection flow out, allowing you to move on to the
    recovery road.

    Sad Quotations

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    I try falling out of love, but falling out of love
    means falling into someone else, and you were the one I tripped for.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    That's the thing about love and romance - no one can
    predict where it will take you.

    Love will fill your heart,
    break your heart and then heal the heart that's broken.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    Tears may be dried up, but the heart - never.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we
    don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors
    and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of
    withering, of tarnishing.

    Anais Nin

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a

    It will heal, but there will always be a scar.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    It's amazing how someone can break your heart
    you can still love them with all the little pieces.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    It’s hard to pretend you love someone, when you don't.

    But its harder to pretend that you don't love someone when you
    really do.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    A million words would not bring you back, I know
    because I tried,

    Neither would a million tears, I know
    because I cried. Anonymous

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    When it's clear that you don't feel the same way
    for me...

    The problem is that as much as I can't force you to
    love me,

    I can't force myself to stop loving you.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    Sometimes it’s hard to love someone because you’re so
    afraid of losing them.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    Better by far you should forget and smile than that you
    should remember and be sad. Anonymous

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    No man is worth your tears;
    And the one who
    is wouldn’t make you cry.


    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about
    what we had.

    But I can’t because I know you won’t come after

    And that’s what hurts the most. Anonymous
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    When one is in love,
    One always begins by
    deceiving one's self,

    And one always ends by deceiving

    That is what the world calls a romance.

    Oscar Wilde

    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations 32kz6nv2xk8
    ▓◄ Only Quotes ▓► Heartbreaking Sad Quotations Barresdenoel14zg9
    I don’t know why they call it heartbreak.
    feels like every other part of my body is broken too.

    Missy Altijd

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 3:37 pm