German Proverbs
i“A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs.” – German Proverb.i
Proverbs are ancient words of wisdom that are passed down through the generations.i
They are not only fun to know and recite but also give important insights into various cultures.i
Proverbs, generally, are witty and concise with a hidden meaning that is best understood in their original language.i
When literally translated into other languages, these precious sayings lose their sheen. Hence, knowing and using the proverbs in their original language becomes vital.i
There are a few wise sayings that have been repeated in many languages. Even as we go through German proverbs, we find many which have the same or similar meaning in English.i
Even if you don’t know the German language, memorising the proverbs in German and knowing their meaning in English will get you the desired impact in your peer groups. By including more proverbs in your daily conversation you will start appearing wiser in no time.i
Though there are hundreds of quotes in German, few of the best have been assembled below. So here is a collection of German proverbs that you can read and enjoy.i
German Sayings
Alte Liebe rostet nicht.i
Old love does not rust.i
Zeit ist Geld.i
Time is money.i
Wer rastet, der rostet.i
He who rests will be rusting.i
Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte.i
When two quarrel, the third rejoices.i
Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.i
Age does not protect from foolishness.i
Beiß nicht in die Hand, die dich füttert.i
Do not bite into the hand which feeds you.i
Anfangen ist leicht, beharren eine Kunst.i
To begin is easy, to persist is art.i
Besser einäugig als blind.i
Better one-eyed than blind.i
i“A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs.” – German Proverb.i
Proverbs are ancient words of wisdom that are passed down through the generations.i
They are not only fun to know and recite but also give important insights into various cultures.i
Proverbs, generally, are witty and concise with a hidden meaning that is best understood in their original language.i
When literally translated into other languages, these precious sayings lose their sheen. Hence, knowing and using the proverbs in their original language becomes vital.i
There are a few wise sayings that have been repeated in many languages. Even as we go through German proverbs, we find many which have the same or similar meaning in English.i
Even if you don’t know the German language, memorising the proverbs in German and knowing their meaning in English will get you the desired impact in your peer groups. By including more proverbs in your daily conversation you will start appearing wiser in no time.i
Though there are hundreds of quotes in German, few of the best have been assembled below. So here is a collection of German proverbs that you can read and enjoy.i
German Sayings
Alte Liebe rostet nicht.i
Old love does not rust.i
Zeit ist Geld.i
Time is money.i
Wer rastet, der rostet.i
He who rests will be rusting.i
Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte.i
When two quarrel, the third rejoices.i
Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.i
Age does not protect from foolishness.i
Beiß nicht in die Hand, die dich füttert.i
Do not bite into the hand which feeds you.i
Anfangen ist leicht, beharren eine Kunst.i
To begin is easy, to persist is art.i
Besser einäugig als blind.i
Better one-eyed than blind.i