French Proverbs
Spice up your language with some French proverbs
These French proverbs in italics are followed by their English equivalents, and then their literal translations x"in quotation marks."x
Quand on veut, on peut.x
Where there's a will, there's a way.x
x"When one wants, one can."x
Qui casse les verres les paie.x
You pay for your mistakes.x
x"He who breaks the glasses pays for them."x
Le loup retourne toujours au bois.x
One always goes back to one's roots.x
x"The wolf always goes back to the woods."x
ذئب....Le loup
On ne marie pas les poules avec les renards.x
Different strokes for different folks.x
x"One does not wed hens with foxes."x
الدجاج....les poules
الثعالب...les renards
Bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture dorée.x
A good name is better than riches.x
x"Well named is more is worth more than golden belt."x
Spice up your language with some French proverbs
These French proverbs in italics are followed by their English equivalents, and then their literal translations x"in quotation marks."x
Quand on veut, on peut.x
Where there's a will, there's a way.x
x"When one wants, one can."x
Qui casse les verres les paie.x
You pay for your mistakes.x
x"He who breaks the glasses pays for them."x
Le loup retourne toujours au bois.x
One always goes back to one's roots.x
x"The wolf always goes back to the woods."x
ذئب....Le loup
On ne marie pas les poules avec les renards.x
Different strokes for different folks.x
x"One does not wed hens with foxes."x
الدجاج....les poules
الثعالب...les renards
Bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture dorée.x
A good name is better than riches.x
x"Well named is more is worth more than golden belt."x